To ride the waves of life you go with the ups and the downs,
Ride those waves and know you are safe, Know you are learning and growing.
When you fall off a wave, (everybody falls off) get right back up, Even if you need assistance, YOU make the decision to keep on going, LOVE and respect yourself!
To ride the road of life you follow your heart, There will be dips in the road and lots of corners for you to navigate, Stay in your power and keep your destination in your minds eye
Appreciate the beauty around you
See the myriad of colors
Share your LOVE
When you look in the mirror it reflects your true self, When you look at others, do you see them reflecting you? Do you like what you see?
Or do you need to change your direction?
Where you end up is up to you,
Take responsibility for yourself.
LOVE yourself,
Be true to you,
Love and Light
Grandfather Helen
White/Star Child
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
Crystal (flesh) Indigo (soul) Children (dream)
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
Here we glide to feel the (buffalo) hide, the rainbow colors of our pride (clan). A place to know inside the snow (blessings) that gift to us a ride. Place your hand inside of mine, then we will learn to shine, for love is true to those who knew, that relatives are always bind, to the heart of the sacred thine. One heart, one land, one place in our stance, for we are the children we sing our songs. Grandfather (white/star child) is here to help you along! Dong (ring the bell of freedom)!