Birthing of Hope with Fire Blessings

Welcome Home Relatives into the Heart of
"Grandfather Standing By Me"

I'm dreaming of the day. I'll find the praise. Dancing as a stream of light, I'm gonna to find my way. Help me. Hold my hand and I'll tell thee. Born as a star, I fly to thee. Call me the, "brother shines sow brightly". Hold me and call me, my Great Name. "Standing By Me", that's my name. That's where we're going, no shame. Tell you; tell you, tell you, tell you, tell you, we're on our way. Oh sweetness, let the stones fly away. And they call me, "Oh Take My Hand". That's the place of the dawning, awhw (grab my heart), that's the land. Look at the bright light, shining so might, the glory of heaven you see, that's where I am going, the place I will sowing, that's the river valley for me.

Grandfather Standing By Me
~Heavenly name and Mission (blue road)
Oh (dream))/Owe (gratitude) Take My Hand
~Earthly name and tools of light (red road)
Brother Shine So/w Brightly
~Nick name (yellow road)
white (star), yellow, rainbow, gray~
~Rainbow colors


Great Name Song sung by
White Buffalo Calf Woman
on theHOOPs, Join us there!

Welcome Home Rainbow Clan
"Brother Shine Sow Brightly"

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Princess of Dawning Sings While Yawning (sacred smoke), the Grandfather Who Lifts Up to Shine!

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 Grandfather Helen <> wrote:
 Blessings to you Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning,
Thank you for your heartfelt prayer, it brought a tear to my eyes, as it was so beautiful. I really needed this prayer to uplift me, as I have been feeling very heavy these past few days, because of my chest.  It is feeling a little bruised from all the coughing and releasing I have been doing.

Sending you and all my Relatives lots of unconditional LOVE ♥
I bow and bless the nine sacred directions. Aho

Love and Light
Grandfather Helen
White/Star Child
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 "Thunder Woman" <> wrote:
Love and Light and Darkness Delight- lovely Grandfather Helen,

Thank you. :) I will be praying for you, that your chest feels lighter and that you may breathe like the breeze, (easy). ~smilez~

Here are some healing words for you, a song that hopefully rings some truth; 
~May you smile and feel the heart of the Blue, and let the Breeze flow thru you. Feel the winds gently soothe, and close your eyes and breathe the truth. Crisp and clean, inhale thru (nose), Damp and dank, out of you (exhale). Bring in the pure, to clean what is not. Light your fire for your pot. Close your eyes, you Sweet Divine, feel the rays that shine and shine, eternal fire(flame), this song of mine(yours) as the winds of time go through your mind, slide down your throat and down your spine. In and Out, Over and Thru/ This healthy breeze we breathe, for you. Now again, so do you. Loving light and dark and blue, whiteness flows all around you. Bright and Honest, Beautiful Tooth. Rooted in the heart of Blue. Breathe the pureness inside you. As you breathe, we dew two~

Did you know that you can ask White Buffalo Calf Woman our Twin Deer Mother for a song anytime also if you need to? 
Hope you feel better soon beloved Grandfather Helen and I am glad the prayer reached you. :)

Bowing and Blessing the nine sacred directions inside me, inside you. I bless myself I bless you too, I bless the world and the water so blue.
Love all ways and always,
Thunder Woman your Princess of Dawning
violet child, rainbow warrior of prophecy

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Here we glide to feel the hide (buffalo), the rainbow colors of our pride (clan). A place to know inside the snow (blessings) that gift to us a ride. Place your hand inside of mine, then we will learn to shine, for love is true to those who knew, that relatives are always bind, to the heart of the sacred thine. One heart, one land, one place in our stance, for we are the children we sing our songs.  Grandfather (white/star child) is here to help you along! Dong (ring that bell, ring freedom)!